Today I introduce to you the first "green beers" battle called "Green Double". Not to spoil the fun I won't explain what a green beer is for me. The video explains it all.
The video is also available on YouTube.
Pilsner Urquell
- brewery: Plzeňský Prazdroj (now owned by SABMiller), Czech Republic
- type of beer: lager
- bought in: a supermarket in Warsaw
- container grade (bottle): standard one
- the looks: head (almost non existant), body (dark yellow with up-sparkles)
- the taste: citrus refreshing with bitter punch
- the smell: lemon-orange
Peroni Nastro Azurro
- brewery: Peroni brewery (now owned by SABMiller), Italy
- type of beer: pale lager
- bought in: supermarket in Warsaw
- container grade (bottle): standard one
- the looks: head (very thin), body (pale yellow)
- the taste: refreshing bitterness
- the smell: smell less
Was this the original version of the Pilsner Urquell beer, or the version made on licence in Poland?